Hey there Mamas,
It has been a minute since my last blog related to pregnancy, postpartum and mamahood because as the title says, life these days is quite busy with two under two. In January 2022 I conceived my first daughter and in January 2023 I conceived my second daughter. Um what? Yep, you read that right! Three months into postpartum I got pregnant. Talk about a body trying to figure out in any given moment if it was in the postpartum healing stage or pregnancy. Honestly, it felt like a mixed bag of both until I was in my second trimester.
Fast foward to October 2023, I had just given birth and our one year old had just taken her first steps. The first 6 weeks postpartum was quite the adjustment with two little ones equally needing my full attention. Here is a snapshot of a typical day with two under two.
My day starts at 5 AM. I start with breast-feeding the baby and by the time she is done my one year-old is up and ready to go. It is a lot of back-and-forth with feedings between the two. Having a notebook on hand comes in handy especially when you’re exhausted and you can’t remember what you just did five minutes ago. The day goes by so very fast; between feedings, diaper changes, playing, and putting out meltdowns, etc. I find solace in the shower, but then there is the phantom cries that you begin to hear. And, just when you think you have both of the kids down for a nap, one of them inevitably wakes up as you were about to lay down yourself to rest. Some moments you want to cry, and other moments all you could do is laugh. Find humor in the chaos, it will help to keep you grounded, and most importantly sane.
It took getting creative and leaning into support to carve in moments of self-care in order for my body to heal postpartum. It was a lot. I was exhausted and at times feeling guilty that I wasn't able to be 100% present for both of my daughters. I felt like I was on auto pilot, just going through the motions to make it through the day. My emotions were fragile and I didn't feel like myself, yet no matter how crazy the day felt, the love that I have for my two girls is worth any amount of craziness. It is the love for your kids that will carry you through each day.
The first 40 days after birth is an important time for recovering and bonding with your baby. Accept the support of family/friends. Delegate house hold chores. Have ready to go meals and easy to grab snacks on hand. Rest when your baby/kids sleep. Hit the pause button. Rethink priorities. And most importantly, take each moment as it comes. For me, this time taught me even more about surrendering to what is and being in the moment.
Two under two is quite the balancing act but doable. There is never a dull moment. You will become really savvy feeding one with one hand while holding and feeding the other. And then there is the diaper change marathon or what I call the "choir" when both are crying. The days and nights are busy, but I wouldn't change one thing. I love having two close in age and watching them walking through the milestones together.
If you have had two under two, what were some tips and tricks to get you through the first few years? Leave your comments below!
~Juliana Marie