You’ve prepped for labor by reading books and attending childbirth classes etc, but have you run across back labor? Back labor is pain (often intense) and discomfort in the lower back during contractions, often due to the position of the baby and, does not ease up as labor progresses.
Describing labor pain is quite subjective but most often you will hear women say “labor pain is like strong menstrual cramps that increase in intensity”. I found this description to be very true but what I also didn’t know was that I would be walking into 13 hours of back labor…pain on a whole new level. How I can best describe back labor with firsthand experience is extreme pain focused in the low back that becomes most intense at the peak of contractions.
Here are some supportive ways to help ease back labor pain (tried & true):
1. Change Posit. Avoid laboring on the back. Instead, use gravity to help shift the baby into the correct position. Get on all fours. Lean over an exercise ball. Sway your hips etc.
2. Counter-pressure: Place two fists (or tennis balls) against the lower back during contractions and apply gentle pressure. (A fav!)
3. Hydrotherapy: Utilize a warm bath or shower to relax your muscles.
4. Pelvic tilts: Helps to decrease pressure on the lower back.
5. Massage: During contractions or between. For me massage felt best between contractions.
6. Tens Unit: Applied to both sides of the lower back. I found this quite helpful during contractions and for recovery of post labor back pain.
7. Breath work: Helps to distract from pain and relax the mind-body.
8. Support: Quality support during labor cannot be underestimated. It is an essential part for the laboring woman to help feel safe and secure.
Did you experience back labor? What were some techniques that helped you to manage the pain? Would love to hear in the comments below!
~Juliana Marie